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RS/PC Pocket Guide

Regular price $34.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $34.99 USD


The RS/PC Pocket Guide: A Comprehensive Resource for Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause

The purpose of this book is straightforward - I want to help
you articulate your reasonable suspicion (“RS”) and probable
cause (“PC”) in your reports. Why? Because that’s the main
way to win cases and avoid suppression hearings altogether.
Articulate, articulate, articulate!

In my experience, most cops lose their cases because they
failed to articulate their RS and PC. This is true even if the
officer actually had RS or PC. In other words, when I speak to
cops that lost a criminal case, or were successfully sued, they
often had enough facts and circumstances to WIN their
cases. But they lost because they either did not articulate it
properly or were not able to translate what they saw or heard
on-scene into RS or PC. You see what I mean? Articulation is

This book will help you articulate things that are often hidden
“in plain sight.” The suspect is telegraphing his guilt, you just
need to be able to articulate it. That’s where this book comes

Use this resource often and be prepared to proactively catch
and help convict people who want nothing more than to
victimize the most vulnerable. Until next time, stay safe.

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
Adam Rydlinski

RS/PC Pocket Guide

Tommy Capps

RS/PC Pocket Guide

Michael R

I have found the examples of articulation extremely helpful!

John Reynolds
A necessity for todays LEOs

I ordered 3 separate books personally. My office also just ordered several more for patrol supervisors after reviewing these. These books are a must have tool for LEOs in today’s environment.

Evan Castillo
Every law enforcement officer should read this.

After having been in law enforcement and writing reports, I thought I had a good grasp on how to articulate my reasonable suspicion in reports. After reading the first 40 pages, I saw how easy it could be to articulate your RS/PC who it over complicating it and being straight to the point where a jury could understand why you handled a call for service or stop the way that you did. All law enforcement officers should skim through this book at a minimum. It is broken down into different sections of LE, such as case law on traffic stops, narcotics, and things such as searches and seizures. The book is well written and easy to navigate.